
2014年10月9日—PressandholdtheHomebutton(aka,Windowsbutton)onthefronttheSurface,thenjustpressandreleasetheVolumeDownbutton,asifyou ...,2024年2月20日—Totakeapartialscreenshot,youjustclickontheleftbutton(ordoubleclicktheCtrlkey),thendragyourmousetoselecttheareaon ...,2024年1月16日—InAwesomeScreenshot,theshortcutforthisisCtrl+Shift+V.Italsomeansyoucantakescreenshotswithidenticaldimensionsacross .....

Four different ways to do a Windows 8 screenshot

2014年10月9日 — Press and hold the Home button (aka, Windows button) on the front the Surface, then just press and release the Volume Down button, as if you ...

How to Screenshot on Windows 88.1 [Custom Hotkey]

2024年2月20日 — To take a partial screenshot, you just click on the left button (or double click the Ctrl key), then drag your mouse to select the area on ...

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows (7, 8, 10) ...

2024年1月16日 — In Awesome Screenshot, the shortcut for this is Ctrl + Shift + V. It also means you can take screenshots with identical dimensions across ...

How To Take A Screenshot On Windows 8 (Or 8.1)

2020年11月26日 — Alt+D: start the capture in 1-5 seconds. Ctrl+C: copy the screenshot you've made to clipboard.

How to take a screenshot on Windows 8 [Easily!]

2021年4月26日 — Click Capture to take a screenshot, or use the default hotkey – PrtScn key. You can drag the screen to include the area you need.

How to Take Screenshots in Windows 10, 8, and 7

2022年10月17日 — To take a screenshot of a single window, select the window's title bar (at the top). Press Alt+PrtScn. A screenshot of only the active window ...

How To Use The Snipping Tool On Windows 8

2024年3月5日 — To capture the entire screen in Windows 8, press and hold these two keys simultaneously: Windows key + PrtSc key. · Once you press these keys ...

Rapid Screen Shots

Resolution · 1. Start Windows 8. Press the keys [Windows] + [Q] to display all Apps. · 2. Right-click the Snipping Tool icon.